Tuesday, July 7, 2009

15 Minutes of Shame

Adding to the already bad news of Japan's incredible shrinking population are the new statistics showing that 30,000 people a year commit suicide here. This equates to one suicide every 15 minutes. Most suicides are committed by men in their 50's, and it is believed that they do so in order to provide insurance money to their families (yes, life insurance in Japan covers suicides- do you see a possible relationship between this and the number of suicides? Apparently nobody else does.)

The skyrocketing unemployment rate of 4.4% is also believed to be behind the high rate of suicides.

People hoping to "off" themselves have plenty of options in Japan: jumping in front of the Chuo Line, walking naked into remote mountain areas to die of exposure, or joining one of the many web support groups cropping-up designed to share ideas on quick-and-easy suicide techniques. You can also use these sites to hook up with a "buddy" so you won't have to face the deed alone.