Sunday, September 27, 2009

Suzuki Ichiro Ejected from Game

Suzuki Ichro was ejected from last Saturday's game against the Toronto Blue Jays. This was Ichiro's first ever ejection in his entire career and has some in Japan blogging that it is just the most recent example of a long string of objectionable behavior of late.  Critics first started paying attention a few weeks ago when Ichiro uttered a sentence laden with polysyllabic words.  Then during a recent away series on the east coast, Ichiro was spotted smiling in the locker room.  Whether this deviant behavior persists or not remains to be seen. But Umpire Brian Runge thought the best way to reign in the stubbed upstart was to throw him out of the game, saying later, "something had to be done. After I called strike three on a pitch so far outside the catcher had to dive to knock it in the dirt, I saw Ichiro crack an American-style sarcastic grin. To see him suddenly confident and at ease being one of the best players in the history of the game- it was making the American players self-conscious.  I mean, what is he, like 4'.8"? Obviously never took steroids. It ain't right. So I booted his spunky munchkin ass."