Monday, April 20, 2009

Goldilocks Gaijin

Here is an example of when simply being foreign doesn't garner enough attention for some people in Japan. Spotted this guy crossing the street in Shibuya. When the light changed he skipped across like a little girl, curls bouncing and dress flowing in the breeze. Avaunt guard performance art? Or stupid moron? History will decide...


Junko Takahashi said...

Hey Chris,

Genki~? Thanks for your blog, we really like it!
I think my American students in Japanese class
would enjoy it too, so do you mind if I let them
see your blog?

I didn't know that hen-na gaijins made a come
back in Japan.
They were everywhere there in the 80's and early
90's but disappeared after the economy went down.
I remember there were real weird, creepy ones....eeeww
You should have talked to this lolita dude and asked
what the h he was thinking! LOL


Chris Hale said...

Hi Junko! I guess the hen na gaijin are back since the rest of the world economy is also in trouble. Feel free to pass along the blog to your students! I look forward to their comments.
